182 INDEX Burnum, 13 Butovane, John of, 42 Cabani, hills, 94 Caboga, Villa, 163 Caesar, title of, 74 Camerlengo, castle at Trail, 105, 110 Campo Formio, Peace of, 20 Candiani, Doges, 17 Cannosa, 144 Cansiglio, grottos of, 6 Canzian, S., grottos of, 6 Carlovitz, Peace of, 20 Carobiau bean, 139 Carpaccio, 178 Cassian (Sukozan), 57 Cassone, Porto, 161 Castellastua, 179 Castelnuovo, 9, 20, 170 Castel Stari, 111, 113 Cattaro, bay of, 168-178 Bocche di, 20 Cavtat = Ragusa Vecchia, 11 Celts, invasion by, 11 Cetina, river, 52, 71, 115, 119, 121 Charlemagne, 15 Charles V., 127 Charles of Durazzo, 53, 54 Cherry, wild, 118 Christianity in Dalmatia, 13 Cikola, 71, 114 Cippico, Palazzo, Traii, 106 Cittavecchia, 125 Claudius, Emperor, 64 Coloman, King of Hungary, 44 Comnene, Alexius, 36, 37 Manuel, 126 “ Compagnia ”, 138 Constantine Porphyrogennetos, 15 Costanza, S., mausoleum of, 88 “ Count”, Venetian, in Trail, 105, 106 ; in Ragusa, 148 Croce, S., at Nona, 47, 49, 96 Croma, La, 161 Crusade, the Fourth, 11, 31, 34-38 Cryptoporticus, at Spalato, 81 Curzola, 18, 133-138 ; English at, 21, 136 ; Greeks at, 11, 134 Cyclopean walls, 125 ActX«^ = Delminium, 1 Dalmata, Thema, 15 Dalmatia, Roman province, 1 ; geography of, 2, 3, 4 ; lakes of, 9 ; early history of, 10 ; Greek colonization of, 11 ; roads in, 12, 13, 21 ; conquered by Romans, 12 ; conversion of, 13, 16; islands, 15 ; acquisto vecchio, 18 ; kingdom of, 21 “Dalmatic”, 13 Dandolo, Andrea, Doge, 18, 135 Henry, Doge, 17, 34 De Dominis, Marc’ Antonio, 90 Degenfeld, Baron, 61, 66 Delminium, capital of Roman Dalmatia, 1 Denis, S., 107 Dernis, 9, 19, 114 Diacum, 54 AidSuipa, 30 Dinara, 71, 115 Dinaric Alps, 1 Dioclea, sive Docla, 75, 170 Diocletian, Emperor, 13 ; Palace of, 74-92, 124 ; birthplace of, 75, 76 ; death of, 78 ; mausoleum of, 79 ; sarcophagus of, 90 ; modification of imperial idea by, 74 ; portrait of, 89 Dionysius, 125 Divona, 155 Docla, sive Dioclea, 75 Doges, Dux Dalmatiae, 17 Doimo, S., 76, 90 Doline, 5, 6, 7 Domenico, S., Lesina, 133 Ragusa, 154, 155, 158, 159 Donato, S., Zara, 39, 40, 41, 96 Druugary, the Grand, 147 Duare, 121