178 CATTARO AND THE BOCCHE enjoyed the privilege of liberating a certain number of prisoners on the fête day of the saint. The uniform of the “ admiral ” and of the members of the “ Marinerezza ” was highly picturesque. The festival of the saint fell on February the third, in the Orthodox calendar, another proof of the close intermingling of East and West here in Cattaro. The whole population of the Bocche flocked into the town during the days preceding the festival. The actual ceremonies openéd with the dance of S. Tryphonius, executed by the entire body of the Guild, in the piazza in front of the Duomo. The Guild then attended High Mass, and afterwards went in procession with the three banners—S. Marco’s, the saint’s and the city’s—through the chief quarters of the town, bringing back with them to the Duomo that part of the relics of S. Tryphonius which are preserved in the Orthodox church of S. Giuseppe. At midday followed a banquet to the poor. At four o’clock another procession reconducted to S. Giuseppe the relics of the saint, and restored them to their reliquary of carved wood covered with silver-plating, enclosed in a marble sarcophagus supported by two angels and crowned by a figure of the saint. Carpaccio has recorded, in the oratory of San Giorgio degli Schiavoni at Venice,