186 INDEX 155; and the Turks, 150; Stradone at, 152 ; S. Salvadore at, 152; S. Francesco at, 153 ; S. Domenico at, 154, 155 ; Onofrio fountain at, 165 ; Orlando column at, 156; Fort Leverin at, 160 Ragusa Vecchia = Epidaurus = Cavtat, 146, 165-167 Raimondi, Palazzo, 127 Rapallo, Treaty of, 39, 73 Ravenna, 14 Razmilovic, Padre Bonaventura, 96 Rhizonicus, Sinus, 170 Richard Cceur-de-Lion, 161, 162 Risano, bay of, 169 'iltreva, 174 Rivoira, 85, 86, 88 Rocco, S., Almissa, 121 Rome = “ the Red Apple”, 38 Roncislap, waterfall, 71 Rondoni, island, 168 Roselli, Matteo, 129 Roslin Chapel, 67 Rozato, 164 Rudolph, Archduke, 163 Sabbioncello, 133, 140, 143 Salona, 13,15, 30, 74, 75, 97-101 ; ruins of, 98-101 Salvadore, S., Ragusa, 152 Sammichele, architect, 31, 63,127 S. Marco, Castel, 8 S. Pietro dei Nembi, island, 28 Sarma = cabbage, 78 Savina, 172 Scardona, 65, 66, 70, 116 Sebenico, 19, 63-72 ; Duomo, 67, 69 ; architecture in, 66 ; forts of, 63-65 ; meaning of name, 65 ; defence of, against Turk, 66 Selembrini, Canon, 91 Semonico, 53 Sergii, family of, 28 Sergio, Monte, 147, 151 Sergius and Bacchus, Church of, 172 Sette Castelli, 94, 103, 113 Sibue, 65 Siccum, 64 Sigismund, Emperor, 38, 112, 126, 162 Simeone, S., at Zara, 55, 56 Siano, 143 Spagnolo, fort, Lesina, 128 Spalato, 73-92 ; palace at, 13, 27, 75-80, 85-88, 91 ; mausoleum at, 79,80, 88 ; museum of, 94 ; name of, 76, 77 ; Archbishops of, 80 ; Milesi palace at, 92 ; temple of Aesculapius at, 91 ; campanile, 85 Spera, house at Almissa, 120 Spila Bettina, 165 Spirito, S., Almissa, 121 Spizza, 1, 179 Sponza, 155 Stagno Grande, 143 Piccolo, 143 Starigrad, 51 ; at Almissa, 119 Stefano, S., 179 Stradone, Ragusa, 152 Stretto, 63 Strmica, 1 StrobeS, 117 Sukozan, 57 Su'ttorina, 9, 171 Tecla, S., 75 Tegetthoff, Admiral, 132 Tekely Pasha, 66 Templars, Knights, 60 Temple of Augustus at Pola, 28 Teodo, bay of, 169 Termagna = Zrmanja, river, 8,52, 71, 115 Teuta, Queen, 12, 129, 170 Thema Dalmata, 15 Thomas, Archdeacon, of Spalato, 96, 104 Tiberius, Dalmatian triumph of, 12 Tilsit, Peace of, 20