IX SPALATO Spalato is now the capital of Jugoslav Dalmatia; the ancient capital, Zara, is, by the Treaty of Rapallo, an Italian city. Spalato is a lively, busy port; along the quay, by the landing-place, oil, wine and orange-boats are ranked in picturesque rows, stern to the shore, and the golden warmth of their orange cargoes gives a glow, almost oí sunshine, even on a rainy day. Both for its history and its site Spalato is one of the most interesting cities of Dalmatia, and may well be made a resting-plaee, and centre for excursions on a Dalmatian journey. The Hotel Bellevue is quite good and comfortable, with a restaurant and a café attached, and much can be easily visited from Spalato; for example, Salona, Klissa, Trail, Knin, the pirate stronghold of Almissa, the islands of Lesina, Lissa an