158 RAGUSA style, the other a figure of a mail-clad warrior, with raised arms, standing on a lion’s head. The upper loggia consists of eight Venetian-Gothic bifori, or twin-lighted windows. The best of the sculpture in the Rector’s Palace is the work of Onofrio da la Cava, surviving from the fire of 1468. To Orsini belong the round-headed arches of the lower arcade, and the larger part of the inner courtyard with its two flights of outside staircases. Passing under the clock-tower out on to the harbour front, and turning to the left, we come to the great Dominican monastery, forming a pendant, at the Ploca end of the town, to the great Franciscan monastery at the Pile end. The Dominican church dates from 1245, and was finished in 1360. It is vast and cold and naked, and, as Sir Thomas Jackson observes, it bears strong traces of German influence. But, as in the case of the Franciscan monastery, it is the cloister which constitutes the chief interest of the Dominican. It is a square with five bays as against the Franciscan three. Each bay is divided into three lights by round shafts, carrying ogee arches, above which, again, the lunette of each bay is pierced by the twin circular openings filled with tracery of various design, wheels and quatrefoils-