INDEX 187 Timavo, river, 4 Topii, Cav. Serafino, 132 Topla, 172 Topolje, waterfall, 116 Torette, 57 Trieste, 22 Trinita, SS., 93, 96, 97 Tryphonius, S., 175-179 Tuartko, King, 54, 55, 60, 170 Turkish buildings at Dernis, 114 Turks, 19 Ugliano, island, 32 Uliz-Ali, 126 Uscocks, 24 Valaresso, Archbishop of Zara, 42, 47 Vaux, Guy de, 35 Veglia, island, 24 Velebit, mountain, 1, 4, 5, 8, 24, 46 Venetian “ Counts ”, 104, 105 Venice, 16; buys Dalmatian towns, 38, 65 Venier, Castel, 8, 52 Verige, the Chains, 173 Viddo, god of the Paganoi, 118 Vino cot to, 49 Vipera, Monte, 134, 140 Visovac, 71, 116 Vitale, S., Ravenna, 40 Vittoria, Alessandro, 109 Vitus, S., 118 Vrana, 57-62 ; lake of, 9 ; ruins of, 15, 38, 58 ; castle of, 62 ; meaning of, 62 Wild duck, 59 Wressle, castle, 48 Zara, 13, 21, 29, 30-44 ; revolt of, 17 ; walls of, 30 ; gates of, 31 ; streets of, 32 ; Morlaclis in, 33 ; Fourth Crusade at, 34-38; surrendered to Austria, 38; Churchesof: S.Grisogono, 43, 44; S. Maria, 44, 92; Duomo,38,41,42; S. Donato, 39 ; S. Simeone, 56 Zara Vecchia = Belgrad = Biograd, 57, 65 engg, 13, 24 ernovizza, river, 117 Zirone, island, 1 Zorzi, family, 135 Zrmanja = Termagna, river, 8, 62 Zupanjac, 1 Zupans, 15, 16 Zvonimir, King of Croatia, 59 THE END