38 ZARA Turkish rendezvous at “ the Red Apple ”, meaning Rome, the long wars of Venice for the defence of Europe, the threat to Zara itself, and the presence of the Turk in Dalmatia, which, as we shall presently see, played such an important part in Dalmatian history. After the Fourth Crusade Zara revolted four times against Venice, almost always with the help of the Hungarians, who were the precarious masters of the mainland. Finally, in 1403, Ladislas of Naples was crowned King of Hungary at Zara itself; but failing in his efforts against the Emperor Sigismund, six years later, he sold Zara, Nona, Novigrad and Vrana to Venice, in whose possession Zara remained till the fall of the Republic in 1797. That event found Zara and indeed all seaboard Dalmatia passionately attached to the Lion of S. Marco. Zara was surrendered to Austria on July 1st, 1798, and on that day the standard of S. Marco was taken from the Piazza delle Erbe to the Duomo of S. Anastasia through a throng of mourning citizens, and there deposited on the High Altar and kissed and embraced with sobs and tears by the officers of the guard. “ Thus ”, says Sir Thomas Jackson, “during the eight centuries that followed the expedition of Pietro J