viii PREFATORY NOTE & = s/i in shave. Thus JDusan is pronounced Dushan. U =00 in boot. Z = z in blaze. Z is like the French j in jour. In the case of well-known names and words which are usually spelt in another way, I have adhered to the common orthography. Thus I have written Miklosich instead of Miklosic, and Tsar instead of Car. Dalmatians of Italian sympathies, but having Slavonic names, invariably use the ch in the place of c or c. For the spelling “ Slave,” instead of the more common “Slav,” my authority is Professor Freeman, who in a note on p. 386 of the Third Series of his Essays gives the following reasons for it : “ First, no English word ends in v. Secondly, we form the names of other nations in another way ; we say a Swede, a Dane, and a Pole, not a Swed, a Dan, or a Pol. Thirdly, it is important to bear in mind the history of the word—the fact that slave in the sense of §ov\oç is simply the same word with the national name.”