20 THE REPUBLIC OF RACxUSA Of the various groups of refugees who settled within the hospitable walls of Ragusa we have fairly reliable accounts. Porphyrogenitus mentions the earliest of these immigrations, and also gives us the names of the most prominent among the newcomers: Arsaphios, Gregorios, Victorinos, Vitalios, Valentinos the archdeacon, and Valentinos the father of the Protospathar Stephen. All these have unquestionably a Latin sound ; they were probably Roman provincials from the minor Dalmatian townships destroyed by the barbarians. Besides the Latin refugees, at an early date a certain number of Slaves, who preferred the quiet life and safety of Ragusa to the constant turmoils and disorders among their own people, added to the population. The Anonymous Chronicle of Ragusa1 describes several of these immigrations:— “ 690. Many people came to Ragusa with all their goods from Albania and the parts of Bosna, because many in Bosna were partisans of Duchagini,2 and wished to save themselves from being accused (punished).” This evidently refers to a civil war, but the date given is much too early : it is not likely that the Ragusans would have admitted barbarians within their walls so soon after the destruction of Epidaurum :— “691. There came to Ragusa the men of two castles on the mainland, from Chastel Spilan and Chastel Gradaz,3 and they all made their dwellings on the 1 Published by the South-Slavonic Academy of Agram in the same volume as Ragnina’s chronicle. A small part of it is quoted by Gelcich, op. cit. 2 1 here is an Albanian tribe of the name of Dukadjin, south of Scutari. 3 They have not been identified.