FRONTIERA LETTO-ESTONE 87 been a complete failure on the part of the two delegations to reconcile their very divergent claims. These differences have chiefly been due to the fact that the two peoples are at many points inextricably miyed, a fact which also makes it impossible for anone to draw a wholly satisfactory line. In accordance, therefore, with the agreement of March 22nd, it rests with me to determine the frontier at many disputed points; and having regard to the considerations laid down in that agreement, I have decided that the frontier shall run as specified in the attached appendix. In that specification I have used the descriptions of place, thas were commonly used during the inquiry, and have indicated, by underling the description of them, those parts of the frontier wich were agreed by both sides. For the sake of convenience, I have repeated the description of the frontier in the town of Walk already prescribed in my decision of July 1st. In certain places I have left details to be examined and settled under the supervision of Colonel Robinson. He has power to amend any details in the specification. He will also be responsible for finally marking the whole frontier upon maps, and that delineation will be conclusive in any case of dispute. The general effect of this decision is as follows: 1 The whole of the Haynasch commune will belong to Latvia. 2. Between the Haynasch and Ippik communes the frontier will, for the most part by agreement between the parties, follow the old administrative frontier. 3. The whole of Ippik commune, with the exception of a small sector in the north-east corner, will belong to Latvia. 4. The whole of Platere, with the exception of a sector in the south-west including the railway line, will belong to Estonia. 5. Between Platere and Omuli communes the frontier will, by agreement between the parties, follow the old administrative boundary. 6. The north-west portion of the Omuli commune will