IR0NT1ERA LETTO-LITUANA 121 from this proceeding having been the subject of mutual agreement, together with the districts of Polangen and Iluxt which were in the first instance treated as wholes. Various elements, historical, ethnographical, economical and State-political (including stratgical) have been taken into account and duly weighed in connection with each situation. In two cases, viz. the coastal area and the territory within the Kalkune railway triangle which were claimed in both cases by Lithuania as a whole, consideration of the State-political factor served to give clearness and finality to decisions which emerged with difficulty from the complications introduced by the other factors. It was impossible as it would have been unwise to attempt to apply any hard and fast rule all along the line, while the differing attitudes of the two States towards the question of Land Reform introduced an incommensurable from the beginning- Cases of individual and group hardship are inevitable under the circumstances, but it is hoped that adjustments have been made which are not without some value in many cases to both sides, and which may stand the test of time. The President wishes at one to refer to what seemed to him the most distinctive feature of the work of the Court as a whole viz. the spirit of goodwill shown throughout by either side, and the desire after the most able and exhaustive exposition of the case on the one side, to appreciate the point of view of the other side. How far the new' frontier represents results reached by agreement and how far it is the outcome of actual decisions made by the President of the Court, it is unnecessary to indicate. In any case he is ultimatelq reponsible for the whole, but an analysis of the decision reached by mutual proposal and consent would reduce his role to more moderate dimension than at one time seemed probable. At the same time it may he helpful if some indication is given of the considerations lying at the base of the three principal decisions. In place of the original Lithuanian claim to the Pappensee, a decision has been made assigning the Polangen territory together with a certain area to the north of the river Sventa, to Lithuania. The historical and ethno-