H FRONTIERA LETTO-LITUANA (1). I. CONVENTION CONCLUDED BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF LATVIA AND LITHUANIA In respect of Arbitration on questions concerning the frontiers, uhich uas ratified on October 12, 1920, by the Constituent Assembly of Latvia, and on October 8, 1920, by the Constituent Assembly of Lithuania. 1) The two Governments concerned have agreed to entrust the final decision respecting the disputed portions of the frontier-line between their respective territories, as well as the settlement of all questions arising from this decision, to a Mixed Commission consisting of two members appointed by each of the two Governments, and of a President. The latter shall be the British Commissioner, or if he is unable to act, a British subject approved of by both Parties. 2) As far as possible, all matters which, in conformity with the terms of the aforementioned Convention are to be decided by this Commission, shall be settled by mutual agreement between the representatives of the two countries. (1) Anrbe la frontiers letto-lituana dette luogo a di»*en»i. onde i due Stati decisero. eon la eonrenzione di arbítralo, fírmala a Riga il 28 setiembre 1920 (n. 1) di far ri»olvere la eonleMazione da una Commit-si one arbítrale, presiedula dal prof. J. Y. Simpson, delPUniversita di Edimburgo. La deeisione (20 marzo 1921). come era «Uto eonvenuto, fu accolta dalle due Parti contraenti (rfr. n. 2).